Feature: The Chrome API client Scenario: Using the Chrome.start method Given the Chrome client When the start method is called Then Google Chrome must open Scenario: Using the Chrome.start_headless method Given the Chrome client When the start_headless method is called Then Google Chrome must open headless Scenario: Using the Chrome.stop method Given the Chrome client And a Chrome instance When the stop method is called upon it Then this Google Chrome instance must close Scenario: Using the Chrome.new method Given the Chrome client And a Chrome instance When the new method is called Then a new Google Chrome tab with the url given must open in the instance Scenario: Using the Chrome.close method Given the Chrome client And a Chrome instance And the id of a new Google Chrome tab opened When the close method is called upon the tab id Then the tab must close Scenario: Using the Chrome.eval method for arithmetics Given the Chrome client And a Chrome instance And the id of a new Google Chrome tab opened When the eval method is called upon the tab id with a arithmetic command Then this command must give back the result as a value Scenario: Using the Chrome.eval method for JavaScript commands Given the Chrome client And a Chrome instance And the id of a new Google Chrome tab opened in google.com When the eval method is called upon the tab id with a JS command Then this command must give back the element requested as a value