from behave import * from cli import Chrome # ========================== Chrome.start () ========================== @given ("the Chrome client") def step_impl (context): context.client = Chrome() @when ("the start method is called") def step_impl (context): context.start_return = context.client.start() @then ("Google Chrome must open") def step_impl (context): assert context.start_return == "", "Google Chrome did not opened as expected." context.client.stop() # ========================== Chrome.start_headless () ========================== @when ("the start_headless method is called") def step_impl (context): context.start_headless_return = context.client.start_headless() @then ("Google Chrome must open headless") def step_impl (context): assert context.start_headless_return == "", "Google Chrome did not opened as expected." context.client.stop() # ========================== Chrome.stop () ========================== @given ("a Chrome instance") def step_impl (context): context.start_return = context.client.start() @when ("the stop method is called upon it") def step_impl (context): context.stop_return = context.client.stop() @then ("this Google Chrome instance must close") def step_impl (context): assert context.stop_return == "", "Google Chrome did not closed as expected." # ========================== () ========================== @when("the new method is called") def step_impl(context): context.tab_id ="") @then ("a new Google Chrome tab with the url given must open in the instance") def step_impl(context): assert len(context.tab_id) == 32, "The new Google Chrome tab did not opened correctly." context.client.stop() # ========================== Chrome.close () ========================== @given ("the id of a new Google Chrome tab opened") def step_impl(context): context.tab_id1 ="") context.tab_id2 ="") @when ("the close method is called upon the tab id") def step_impl(context): context.close_return = context.client.close(context.tab_id1) @then("the tab must close") def step_impl(context): assert context.close_return == "", "The tab did not closed correctly." context.client.stop() # ========================== Chrome.eval () ========================== @when("the eval method is called upon the tab id with a command") def step_impl(context): context.eval_value = context.client.eval(context.tab_id1, "2+2") @then("this command must give back a value") def step_impl(context): assert context.eval_value != None, "The command did not worked as expected." context.client.stop()