Digital Circle - Open Libs

Open Libraries from Digital Circle

Replay Client libs - GO Impl

Updated 2022-03-04 17:25:10 +00:00

A shell like interface to execute

Updated 2022-03-03 14:44:12 +00:00

API Generator based on comments

Updated 2021-11-28 22:10:04 +00:00

Simple and Flexible Message Queue

Updated 2021-11-17 09:14:17 +00:00

mk - Make like tool for building, testing, etc.

Updated 2021-11-05 11:10:23 +00:00

Updated 2021-11-02 22:13:40 +00:00

Simple http client embedding most common aspects - maily driven at dealing w Json data

Updated 2021-10-31 09:35:08 +00:00

Updated 2021-09-30 20:18:50 +00:00

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